Posts Tagged ‘Recipe’

Hey there other side 🙂 ♥

Hope you are having a great start of a new week. To make it an even better one.. try this:

Inspirational Quotes. Loving Yourself. Inspiration.

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Baby Chick Macaroons

Healthy Easter Chicks Macaroons  Vegan Low Calorie

I found these super cute easter treats at one of my favorite recipe blogs: Aren’t they adorable? And a nice bonus is that they are actually good for you!

These are the ingredients:

(Makes 12-14)

  • 1 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut (see below for a lower-calorie version)
  • 1 tbsp whatever flour you wish (such as ww pastry or even coconut flour)
  • 1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp lite canned coconut milk (or regular canned)
  • 3 tbsp agave or pure maple syrup
  • 1 packet stevia (or 1 more tbsp agave, and cut back on liquid)
  • 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • tiny bit over 1/16 tsp salt

To know how exactly to make these, go to Katie’s blog and find out!

Healthy Easter Cookies Chicks Snack

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Comfortable, Strengths, Weaknesses, Simplicity, Humanity, Ocean, Beach, Self Acceptance, Self Forgiveness, Forgiving, Judging, Acceptance, Love, Deepak Chopra, Quote, Inspiration, Quotes

♥  Please share if you like this  ♥

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Today’s Inspiration:

“Until a few months ago I never really got into affirmations. However, after reading Louise Hay’s books  I started to understand the power of affirmations. I loved this article, written by Jessica, describes how affirmations work and why they are so powerful.”

“An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change.”
– Louise Hay

Are You Positive? How and Why Affirmations Work.

I talk to myself a lot. Most of the time I do it in my head, but some times I will do it out loud. The latter is usually only in the company of my dog. I’m not crazy. Not by clinical standards, anyway. I simply understand the power my words and thoughts have over my life. Constantly repeating positive affirmations has had a major effect on my life.

According to Dr Bruce Lipton, most of our beliefs are formed when we are children. Perhaps it was said that you are stupid, lazy, selfish, or shy. This affirmation would have left an imprint in your mind, during the years that are most formative. And then these unwholesome statements can stay with you in the conscious or unconscious mind, only to be reinforced throughout the rest of your life. Unless you do something about it. The core beliefs that we have in this moment are the results of our past experiences – things we heard, things we’ve seen, and things we were told. This doesn’t make them real though.

The unconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a real or imagined idea, so it responds to whatever suggestions you give it. So, if you’re constantly telling yourself that you are stupid, fat, lazy, or shy – that is the reality you are going to create for yourself.

The awesome and empowering part of this is that we can turn it all around. When we are aware of the mind’s powerful ability to create whatever it is we tell it to, we can go ahead and do just that.

By repeating positive affirmations you can actually retrain your mind to create a reality that matches your goals.

By changing your perception, you change your reality. It all starts with the thoughts you think. These thoughts become your feelings, these feelings become your vibration and your vibration ultimately becomes your life. It is your vibration that determines whether you are attracting what you want into your life or not. So, as simple as they are, affirmations can transform every aspect of our lives including our health, relationships and success.

Affirmations. Whether you think you can, or think you can't. You are always right.

How to make affirmations work

For affirmations to be effective they must be written in the first person, be in the present tense, be goal orientated and be written as though they have already been achieved. So don’t go around saying things like “I wish” or “I will” or “I want”. You need to act as if.

You affirmations must be followed through with some kind of supporting action. You need to walk your talk. There’s no point in affirming that you’re a Power Ranger if you’re not prepared to go out and hire a coloured suit and helmet.

Here are some of the affirmations I repeat every day:

• I have a perfectly healthy body and mind
• I am healing now
• I love and approve of myself
• Abundance flows into my life in surprising ways every day
• Life flows effortlessly
• All my relationships are harmonious

Add power to your positivity

Repeat your affirmations as often as possible. The more you repeat them, the deeper they will be ingrained into your mind, and the faster they will be implemented in your subconscious.

You can speak them out loud, repeat them to yourself, write them down over and over again in a journal and write them on post it notes and stick them all over your house. I have mine written on the mirror in my bathroom, inside my diary, on my computer screen saver, on my vision board, and I even set reminders on my phone throughout the day so I am randomly greeted with something telling me “You look beautiful today, Jessica!”

Want to dive deeper?

Read more at the super inspirational site by Jessica:

Do you use positive affirmations? How have they helped you? What are some of your favorites?

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Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health Feel Good Tribe Mind Body Connection

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Today’s Inspiration:

“This article points out some ‘mistakes’ that we all make all the time. Many of these mistakes you create out of a habit so it is quite useful to read this list and shine a light on some of the things that you didn’t realize you were doing.”


7 Mental Mistakes That Stop You From Living a Life of Freedom and Peace

7 Mental Mistakes That Stop You From Living a Life of Freedom and Peace

How often do you lament the fact that you’re still not where you want to be?

There’s still something missing from your life that if you could get, you’d be happy.
Life doesn’t seem fair, and it never works out just the way you want it.
If you identify with any of these statements, then you’re most likely making mental mistakes that may hold you back for the rest of your life. The good news is that since they are mental mistakes, they can be changed, and when changed, your whole life can be changed.
1. Living in the Future

Do you dream of a better future where you have more money to travel, more time to do what you want, or even a better job? Then you’re falling into the first mental trap, which is giving your attention to a future projection that does not exist.
The future cannot save you. The more you complain, the worse you will feel.

The solution? Notice whenever you feel pulled to daydream and bring your attention back to your body. Be present with whatever is here and now, even if it feels negative. In the beginning, it may be uncomfortable, because you are used to running away, and your mind is active, but if you truly want to live a joyful life, then this is one of the fastest paths there.

This doesn’t mean you stop planning. It means you stop excessive future projection that leads to chronic dissatisfaction.

2. Living in the Past

Do you wish you could go back to the past and change something? Or maybe you’re marveling in a memory that is sweet as cotton candy. It fills you with joy and excitement, but at the same time, it carries with it a sour aftertaste, because it’s only a memory.
Remembering good times is all fine and good. The problem arises when it is done excessively. Whenever you notice your attention drifting away either to the past or future, gently bring it back, and notice how you’re feeling right now.

3. Saying No to the Here and Now

Staying right here and now can be painful. Stay vigilant of what is happening within you even as you read these words. Guard the temple that is your inner space.
How deep or shallow is your breathing? What thoughts are arising? Do you want to be somewhere else, do something else, have something better? Is there a problem in this present moment unless you think about it?

4. Going Nowhere Fast

Are you constantly in a hurry? You have a goal that you want to get to, because you think it will make your life better. The best measuring stick for a good goal is to ask yourself if it is making your life better right now.
If not, then drop the goal.

Most people are constantly going somewhere else. They are never here. And when they reach that somewhere else, they set a new goal, and off they go, back on the hamster wheel.

It is a never-ending journey that is full of suffering.

5. External Solutions to Internal “Problems”

Things do not give you peace, freedom, and fulfillment. It is your reaction to them that gives you all the good feelings. The good feelings come from inside, not from outside.
Beyond food, shelter, and a few basic needs, things do not dramatically increase your happiness, which is why you see so many miserable people swimming in material abundance. They are trying to fix something internal with something external. It just doesn’t work.

The only way to experience freedom and peace is to go inside.

6. Avoidance

Whenever you feel inner turmoil, negativity, suffering, or pain, sit with it, and be with it, without analyzing. It is the running away and wanting it to go away that feeds the fire. Stop avoiding what you are experiencing, and simply be.
Notice the chaos of your mind, and notice that you are not that. You are the presence behind your thoughts. And if you want to take it further, notice what is aware of both your thoughts and the presence behind them.

7. …

What if all your thoughts and ideas were like this? What if it was okay to feel whatever you feel? Just let it be. It is your constant wanting to change what is that stands between you and a life full of freedom and peace.

Read the full article here

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Today’s Inspiration:

“I think everyone has some kind of emotional connection with food, some more than others. It seems like there is still a taboo on over-eating, even though it is extremely common. I love this article a lot because it goes to the actual source of why we overeat. Instead of just focusing on the symptoms these tips will help you to really understand why it happens and how you can change it forever.”


5 Steps to Stop Overeating

5 Steps To Stop Overeating And Emotional Eating

Have you ever felt compelled to keep stuffing yourself to the point of discomfort?

Maybe you’ve found yourself reaching for a packet of cookies when you’re home alone, tired and lonely? Perhaps it’s even healthy foods you’ve overeaten, such as a whole bag of raw nuts.

If so, you are one of many who have overeaten for emotional reasons.

Overeating can wreak havoc on your mental, emotional and physical health if left unaddressed, and the talking down to yourself that typically follows flushes a lot of energy and self-love down the toilet. If you are binging regularly and beating yourself up about it, you’ll also have much less time to focus on what really matters to you – your dreams, relationships, contributing, having fun.

Yet despite what your reason and intelligence tells you to do (i.e., stop overeating), you are still unable to close the bag of processed (or raw) chips.

Emotional eating can be a very challenging habit to release as usually:

  • It is a deeply ingrained behavior.
  • You have been doing it for a very long time both consciously and unconsciously.
  • It can be frightening to consider a life where you don’t numb yourself with food, even if it is a conscious choice.
  • Processed foods and junk foods are highly addictive, so even without the emotional component they can be extremely hard to stop eating.

But it can be done.

What is needed is support, compassion, kindness and a safe space without judgment where you can release your fears, and identify your emotions, triggers and real needs. Having a toolbox of strategies is essential to do this.

Here are some tools that you can start using immediately:

1. Identify what’s really going on

Do you stop long enough to see what emotion you are feeling before you stuff them down with food?

One of the most powerful things you can do is to train yourself to stop when you have the urge to eat, and ask yourself “Am I really hungry?” If the answer is no, ask yourself “What emotion am I really feeling?”

This alone can bring so much awareness that small shifts in your eating behavior will occur. You will realize that your heart and soul wants to be heard and fed, but the late-night box of candy isn’t doing it.

2. Find a safe place or person to release to

To heal your relationship with food, you need to safely express yourself and release the emotions you feel. A safe place or person will allow you to do this. There can also be a lot of shame and embarrassment around overeating, particularly binging, so a safe space to release becomes even more important.

Get into a journaling practice where you can write about whatever you are feeling with no talk back, criticism or judgment. Find a person you can speak to about your behavior and what’s really going on for you. Create or find a space where you can go to be quiet, think, cry, laugh, journal, talk, meditate. Having a space that you can always go to will give you a sense of comfort, nourishment, familiarity and a haven as you heal.

3. Create a sacred ritual

One of the best ways to nourish yourself every day is to create a sacred ritual that makes you feel centered, strong and harmonious. When you include this in your routine, you will find that over time you are better able to identify and address thoughts, feelings and stress that contribute to overeating (and other unhelpful habits).

What you include in your ritual is entirely up to you. For most people, one or a combination of the following works well:

  • Meditation
  • Deep breathing
  • Affirmations
  • Setting intentions
  • Nourishing movement
  • Yoga and stretching
  • Journaling
  • Drinking water or herbal tea
  • Reading inspirational material
  • Listening to music
  • Speaking to a loved one
  • Playing with your pets
  • Having a hot bath or shower
  • Resting

4. Understand and appreciate what food gives you

For many people who suffer from disordered eating patterns, food is the enemy. You stuff yourself and make yourself sick with it. You feel compelled to eat copious quantities until you feel heavy, tired, unwell and miserable. It adds the kilos to your body that you despise. It is the enemy you have to avoid at all costs to stay thin because that’s what you see as beautiful, worthy or your way of maintaining a sense of control in your life.

For many of the women I work with, an important step in their healing is helping them to understand what food really is – how it gives life, nourishment, beauty, joy, pleasure, energy, healing and comfort. Nourish yourself with real, high-quality whole foods that are not filled with chemicals, refined sugar, salts and fats, and learn how they produce beauty, health and energy. Respect is built for the role food plays within your body and a respect for your body itself also grows.

5. Unleash your creativity and do something you love every single day

Without the drain of overeating, think about how much time, energy and health will be freed up to focus on what you really want out of your life! As someone who has a long history of emotional and disordered eating, I can tell you that you can overcome it, and the freedom and reward you will feel is truly worth the effort.

Read the whole article here

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Today’s Inspiration:

“This recipe is just genius! This is soo delicious and you won’t believe that this pie is actually good for you. One of the ingredients are chickpeas but I promise you’ll have absolutely no idea that they are in there. This pie had lots of fiber & protein from the chickpeas, is gluten free and has about 200 calories for 1 huge slice. Not to mention that it tastes like a delicious & rich thick cookie, YUM!”

Deep-Dish Cookie Pie

What’s black and white

And even better than a warm chocolate chip cookie?

Vegan Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

Warm. Chocolate. Gooey.

This pie is everything you’d want in a cookie.

Except, oh yes, it happens to be five times thicker!

And I promise no one can tell that these ingredients are in there. (For proof: just read all of the comments on this post!) This dessert is a real crowd-pleaser, even with people who aren’t used to eating healthy desserts.

Vegan Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

Deep-Dish Cookie Pie


  • 2 cans white beans or garbanzos (drained and rinsed) (500g total, once drained)
  • 1 cup quick oats (or certified-gf quick oats)
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 3 T canola oil
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 and 1/2 cups brown sugar (You can sub evaporated cane juice or white sugar. EDIT: sugar-free version coming soon!! Be sure to check back!)
  • 1 cup chocolate chips

To read all about how to make this delicious pie, please go and visit Katie’s blog, you won’t regret it! And there are loads of other delicious healthy dessert recipes you can find there.

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Today’s Inspiration:

“Our liver is such an amazing organ, that is why I love this article so much! What many people don’t know is that our liver has a large impact on how we use, store and burn fat. I hope this article helps you to learn a bit more about the amazing-ness of your body. Take good care of it!”

What Your Liver Can Teach You About Burning Fat

human internal organs lined with vegetables. Liver Benefits

Although your body works as a holistic organism consisting of multiple systems, it is important to look at various organs and systems in order to learn how they affect the overall health of your body. In this installment of “Organ Examination,” we will be looking at your liver.

Anatomy of the Liver

Your liver sits in the upper right-hand side of your abdominal cavity. It is protected by the rib cage, and sits just in front of the gallbladder. It rests on top of your stomach, just below your diaphragm. It weighs around three pounds, and is a dark red color. Your liver has two lobes, separated by a series of ligaments. In each lobe, the liver contains lobules that connect via a complex duct system, which transports bile produced in the liver to the gallbladder and duodenum.

The liver receives blood and oxygenation from two sources. The hepatic artery brings oxygenated blood to the liver, while the hepatic portal vein delivers nutrient rich blood.

The liver is part of your biliary system with the gallbladder and bile ducts, which creates, transports, and stores bile for digestion. It is also part of the digestive system, which breaks the foods you eat down into smaller, more accessible particles. Other organs that work with the liver in the digestive system are the stomach, pancreas, and intestines.

Liver Functions

Your liver performs more than 500 vital functions in your body. While I am not going to list all of them here, I will share some of the most important roles the liver plays.

  1. All blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver.
  2. When that blood reaches the liver, it processes it, converting nutrients and medications into more usable forms.
  3. The liver contains about 13 percent of the body’s blood at any given time. As the blood passes through the liver, the organ balances the blood’s chemical composition and produces bile from the wasteproducts.
  4. Bile carries those waste products away from the liver, allowing it to continuously detoxify the blood.
  5. It is your body’s main fat burning organ, regulating fat metabolism and carrying fat out of the body via bile.
  6. The liver produces blood proteins necessary for plasma, which is an essential component of blood.
  7. The liver produces cholesterol. While many people think this is a bad thing, cholesterol actually plays an important role in the body. It is the precursor for testosterone and estrogen. Cholesterol also supports cell structure and helps maintain healthy neurological function. Note: This is different than foreign cholesterol, which is derived from animal products.
  8. The liver further detoxifies by removing bacteria from the blood stream. This is essential for healthy immune function. Additionally, a healthy liver produces immune factors that fight disease.
  9. It regulates blood clotting. Inefficient blood clotting can lead to bleeding disorders and anemia, while overabundant blood clotting can lead to an array of health and clotting disorders including embolism and deep vein thrombosis.
  10. It detoxifies, removing harmful medications and toxic substances from your blood.
  11. The liver stores iron, which it processes from hemoglobin.
  12. It converts blood sugar (glucose) to glycogen (stored energy), and then back to glucose (active energy).
  13. It regulates amino acids in the blood.

Effects of an Unhealthy Liver

What happens when your liver doesn’t function properly? An unhealthy liver may obstruct bile flow, resulting in inefficient toxin removal. Resultantly, the liver may fail to remove bacteria from the bloodstream, leading to decreased immunity and increased illness. It may also fail to break down the nutrients you need for health. In some cases, the blood may even bypass an unhealthy liver, turning medications toxic. In extreme cases of liver damage, the liver may develop scarring called cirrhosis, and it may function poorly or not at all.

Substances that Damage the Liver

With all of those functions and negative effects of an unhealthy liver, it’s easy to see why it is so essential to keep your liver healthy. The Beauty Detox Solution is designed to minimize toxins in your body, which supports liver function and keeps you healthy and strong. Some substances, however, can cause liver damage.

  • Chronic alcohol intake
  • Overuse of prescription and over the counter medications
  • Excessive use of herbal remedies
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Refined sugar and fructose (including agave)
  • MSG
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Pesticides
  • Artificial flavors
  • Food dyes
  • Deep fried foods
  • Processed foods

Protecting Your Liver

Your daily habits can help protect this valuable organ.

  • Eat an organic, plant-based diet rich in Omega-3 fats.
  • Cut out caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and avoid high-fructose corn syrup at all costs.
  • Drink plenty of pure water to flush your liver.
  • Avoid animal products and processed foods.
  • Drink water with organic lemon every day.
  • Start your day with a Glowing Green Smoothie

Now that you know a little more about your liver, you probably understand why maintaining the health of this vital organ is so important. By cleansing your liver and eating a diet that supports healthy function, your body will be much better able to eliminate toxins, fight off disease, and process nutrients from the foods you eat. The cleaner your liver, the more clear and beautiful your skin will become as well.

Read the full article here

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Today’s Inspiration:

“This is the favorite recipe of Katie, from chocolate covered All her recipes are sooo delicious. They are healthy but do not taste healthy at all!! This pie is sugar free, gluten free, wheat free, vegan and actually good for you! It is very, very easy to make and looks beautiful (and delicious!). I tried this one and if you decide to just make one recipe, PLEASE MAKE THIS ONE!! This is sooo good!”

Healthy Chocolate-Raspberry Fudge Cake

You must make this!

I don’t mean to be bossy (although, as an older sister, I have lots of practice!). It’s just, this might be my #1 favorite recipe of all the recipes I’ve ever posted.


Healthy Chocolate Fudge Pie Cake

Remember my Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake?

You’ve probably all seen it by now, because I can’t stop raving about how much I love it. What’s not to love: Chocolate? Check. Surprisingly-healthy, vegan, and sugar-free? Check check check.

Healthy Chocolate Raspberry Pie

Chocolate-Raspberry Fudge Cake
(Or chocolate-raspberry butter… or frosting!)

  • 80g raspberries (2/3cup)
  • 3T cocoa powder (16g)
  • 4T Artisana coconut butter or Homemade Coconut Butter
  • Scant 1/16th tsp salt
  • Sweetener: I like 5g agave, but my testers like 1 1/2 to 2T (20-30g)

Healthy Sugar Free Chocolate Pie

Read about how to make this delicious treat here!

There is also a banana version here! Yum!

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